Dear Members, Credit Union Officials and Staff,
It has been my distinct honor and privilege to have served as President-CEO of Select Federal Credit Union for the last 31 years. I feel immensely proud of what we have accomplished together and it would not have been possible without our combined efforts and your support. The Credit Union has grown to a $47.5 million-dollar institution and is in solid financial condition.
Select FCU must continue to grow to remain viable. As we move into the final quarter of our 80th year, please think of Select FCU first when a financial need arises. Tell your family members and co-workers of the many products and services the Credit Union provides for you and your immediate family. The Credit Union can continue to grow with your help.
Also, the Credit Union needs member volunteers to serve on committees or provide suggestions and new ideas. Ask any staff member how you can get involved.
I wish to congratulate the Board of Directors for dedicating their time and efforts over the last several months for the selection process of my successor. Tammie Zacharie, the new President-CEO, will continue working hard for Select FCU. She also has a talented staff support her. The Credit Union is in good hands, and I wish the organization much success.
Whilst I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will miss the Credit Union greatly. Being the President-CEO was not just my job, the Credit Union was a big part of my life. I know that God blessed me with many talents, and I am confident that this is what I was truly supposed to do. I hope that I have provided guidance to many over the years and taught them to be their best. I take with me many, many great memories and once again, say many thanks to all.
Yours sincerely,
Belinda Barrera-McDaniel