Savings Accounts click here for deposit rates
We offer a variety of savings products designed to help you increase the value of the money you earn and the way you choose to save. All accounts can be accessed thru FREE On-line Banking, FREE Mobile Banking and FREE Select 24 (telephone audio response system). You will receive quarterly statements unless your account has ACH activity, in which case you’ll receive a monthly statement. All of your savings accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Administration up to $250,000.00. Contact us for more details on any of the following accounts and get started on the path to saving.
Checking Accounts click here for overdraft consent form PDF | Word
We currently offer CLASSIC & MYLife Checking Accounts for our members.
They have unique features but both offer:
NO monthly service charge
Unlimited check writing
Direct deposit and/or payroll deduction
ACH and automatic payments
Monthly statements
VISA debit cards
FREE 24/7 access to SELECT 24 audio response system
FREE 24/7 access to online banking
FREE check imaging thru online banking (view your cleared checks and get copies)
FREE Mobile App
FREE Online Bill Pay

Checking accounts are non-dividend bearing and require NO minimum monthly balance with a $25.00 opening deposit. All features listed above are included with the Classic Checking.
MY Life
Checking accounts are non-dividend bearing and require NO minimum monthly balance with a $25.00 opening deposit. All features listed above are included with the Classic Checking.
MY Life also includes the following features:
No Monthly Fee/No Minimum Balance
Debit Card with UChoose Rewards
No Fee ATM withdrawal (Select FCU Foreign ATM Fee $1.00)
Text banking (cell phone data charges may apply)
First time car buyer loan discount
Annual Scholarship Program
Sallie Mae Student Loan Program
Fresh Start
Checking accounts assist members and/or potential members with the opportunity to re-establish a checking account relationship. Minimum to open is $25.00, account subject to a monthly service charge of $10.00*.
Other restrictions apply.
*Service charge subject to change.